Through internship programmes, students will be able to increase their employment marketability.
A combination of physical and project-based internships lasting for 3 months or 6 months.
3-month (Summer)
The duration of the internship is calculated as a minimum of 12 full-time work weeks per summer and a minimum of 480 working hours. It is expected that students will start their internship training in mid to late May and end it sometime in August.
6-month (Spring / Fall)
6-month internship could take place from January to summer or summer to end of the year. Students have a chance to have job rotation within the company and gain a wider exposure to differents parts of the business.
Project-based Intern
Project-based internship is a good learning process for the students and the host company, where it can bring a new perspective and the up-to-date research findings to the host company. Students will be presenting the project report to the host company by sharing their findings and solutions or recommendations after their extensive research studies.
I worked in the project-based internship for Horwath HTL, a hotel consultancy firm. The topic was to investiage the add-on value of hotels in mixed-use developments. Through the internship, I acquired quantitative research skills and developed my analytical thinking.